Sergeant Alvin C. York State Historic Park


Old photograph of a barn and field

Sergeant Alvin C. York State Historic Park

The Alvin C. York Sate Historic Park at Pall Mall is a memorial to the most decorated World War I soldier. York's rise to fame resulted from his legendary firefight against the German Army in the Argonne Forest of France. Sgt. York was rewarded with more than 40 allied decorations, including the Congressional Medal of Honor. Visitors can see the family home and farm, the rock ledge where Sgt. York married before the church he helped to build, along with the post office/general store he operated for years. The historic area lies beside the Wolf River and includes a picturesque grist mill, which York operated in the '40s. The park includes a picnic pavilion and playground equipment. His burial site is at the Wolf River Cemetery and is only a short drive away.
